Anyday Dinner

1000 Calorie Salad, Anyday Dinner

Everyday Taco Salad

When I was in high school I always loved when it was taco salad bar day. I loved the combination of temperatures of warm meet and crisp cold greens, drizzled with a good amount of ranch dressing and tortilla chips for scooping, this was my favorite. This also tended to be my preferred taco night […]

Anyday Dinner

Anyday Crispy Tacos

This is a throwback to those crispy shell, ground beef tacos of my childhood, but oh! so much better! There is nothing authentic or traditional about these tacos. The hard-shell taco is an American invention, and these definitely blow the processed, pre-packaged taco mix out of the water. In my humble opinion, my family heartily […]

Anyday Dinner

Anyday Meatballs and Sauce

When I think about where my love of cooking comes I always go back to my Grandma Frasca, and nothing reminds me more of her than Meatballs and Sauce with fresh homemade pasta. My grandmother was an amazing cook and spending hours in the kitchen with her during their annual summer visits is my all-time […]